We Finally Got Jadyn’s COVID-19 Results


Many of you who follow me on Instagram know that Jadyn wasn’t feeling well a couple weeks ago and was tested for COVID-19. Well, a whole 2 weeks later we just got a call with the results: positive. I am honestly in shock. I thought since it was taking so long that surely no news was good news. Not true. While she is currently running around playing in the backyard as I write this I have the biggest knot in my stomach.

So here’s the full story:

I need to back up a little in order for it all to make sense. 12 days prior to her symptoms Jon and I traveled domestically through the Atlanta and Ft. Lauderdale airports. This was before the national emergency was declared but I knew COVID-19 was starting to spread so it was on my radar. While I didn't realize the severity of it (or else we wouldn't have traveled) I was adamant about hand washing. On top of that we also had some family staying with us who had just returned from traveling internationally. We got home on Sunday, March 8 and that Thursday the governor held a press conference advising the elderly and immune compromised to limit their exposure to the public. Jon and I decided to take it seriously and planned to stay home for the next couple weeks. I ran to Costco to stock up on everything and as you can imagine it was already packed. I remember thinking, “This is exactly what we should be avoiding.” Later that night we got the call that Jadyn’s school would now be online for the foreseeable future. We then cancelled every non-essential appointment and only left the house to run to the pharmacy or grocery store.

The next Friday, March 20, she woke up at 11:30 pm with a 101 fever and slight cough. I gave her some Tylenol and knew that if she still had a fever in the morning I was going to try to get her tested. Saturday morning her temp was 102 so I called the hotline number provided on the Georgia DPH website. It was an automated system that said I needed to call a doctor or urgent care. No crap. I needed to speak to an actual person so I called the urgent care down the road. They said they were testing for COVID-19 but I needed to go through the hotline to get approved. I was worried I was going to be sent back and forth between the two, but she gave me a local number different from the one I called earlier. Thankfully a real person answered. I explained that Jadyn was immune compromised, had a fever, and had been in contact with domestic and international travelers within the last 2 weeks. She agreed that Jadyn needed to be tested and called the urgent care back to let them know we were on our way.


When we arrived there were clear signs directing us where to go. They aren’t lying when they call it drive thru testing because we didn’t get out of the car. They immediately handed us both mask to put on and the nurse took Jadyn’s vitals while she was still in her car seat. Then a Nurse Practitioner came over and examined her. Based on her symptoms they tested her for the flu, strep throat, and COVID-19. We then pulled into a parking spot to wait for the flu and strep results. Flu came back negative and strep came back positive. She said COVID-19 results would take about 5 days. That was 14 days ago. Jadyn had a couple rough days after that as her fever continued and she had a hard time keeping anything down. I knew that if she showed any sign of distressed breathing or further deterioration we would head straight to the hospital. She was on an antibiotic for strep and thankfully seemed to respond to it. After a few days she was feeling MUCH better and just had a slight cough leftover. I was hopeful that it was only strep throat after all. I still called the hotline and urgent care multiple times asking if they had heard anything and all they could tell me was, “Not yet.” Then this morning (April 3) we finally got a call saying it was positive. He said she is not contagious anymore since it’s been so long since she’s had any symptoms and asked if I had any more questions.

I might not have questions but I sure do have thoughts! I am sick that it took so long to get these results. Let me say it again, she is 5 years old and has a compromised immune system. Why the heck did it take 2 weeks? (Guess I do have a question) Also, I am thankful because bottom line, we faced our worst fear head on and she overcame it. Her immune system handled it. She now has antibodies and we don’t have to live in fear. I am thankful that we took this seriously early on or else we could have unknowing infected countless others. This girl has been through so much in her life and has handled it like a warrior. I know God has been protecting her and has big plans for her life. She is a walking miracle. Thank you all for your endless love and prayers. Stay safe and stay home.

XO, Anna